Sunday, January 17, 2016

Penguins Continued and Honoring MLK

Last week we continued to learn about penguins and started our own non-fiction books using facts we learned about penguins. The students are truly enjoying adding to their schema each day and are always super excited to view the live Penguin Cam at Sea World. Here is the link if you would like to watch the penguins from your home:

We add to our schema each day!

Working on their penguin books.

Showing a map of where penguins live around the world.

This week we also focused on learning about the great leader, Martin Luther King, Junior. We read the story Martin's Big Words and talked about how our lives are different today because of Dr. King. We also held a discussion about Martin's dream for the world and what our dreams are today. Each student wrote a few sentences about their dream and explained why it was important to them. I love the things they came up with...really goes to show that viewing the world through a child's eyes is so powerful!
"I have a dream that all kids be friends and that no matter what skin color they are. This is important because what is important is how you act not how you look." - Sheila

"I have a dream that people get stuff and have manners. That is important because then they thankful." -Davion

"I have a dream that people stop treating animals badly. This is important because animals are needed in the world," - Quincy

Have a great Monday off in honor of MLK! :) 

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