Thursday, February 4, 2016

Hip, Hip, Hooray for the 100th Day!

Monday marked our 100th day of first grade! The 100th day is truly one of my favorite days of the year. It gives us a chance to reflect and celebrate the learning that has taken place. This year didn't disappoint as we did several engaging and academic activities revolving around the number 100.

During our reading block students got the opportunity to write 100 words...they could spell words they know or look around the room for ideas. This super student was the first to finish!

This is a classic 100 day writing activity. Students got to write what they would buy with 100 dollars. A few ideas were: books (my personal fav), a hoverboard, a new bike, and a MANSION! :) 

They turned out pretty cute!!

Next up was math activities. Students worked in partnerships to tackle three stations: a math packet with a variety of counting activities, creating a design with 100 squares, and a new addition this year (and class favorite) was stacking 100 cups challenge.
These girls used some of the squares to make the number 100! Very creative!

These two students were the first to successfully stack 100 cups! It took concentration and teamwork... way to go! Now by popular demand, these cups have made their way to the indoor recess cupboard. Pretty simple and inexpensive activity that could entertain for hours! :)

This final activity is one that my team started last year. Students are simply given the numbers 1, 0, and 0 and told to create a picture using them. I have to say, this year my students really stepped it up a notch with their creations! I was super impressed by their creativity and ability to think outside the box.
Didn't they turn out great?!

Finally, we ended the day making the famous 100 day trail mix! Students had 10 different snack options and counted 10 pieces of each one, making a grand total of 100 pieces. We counted by 1s and 10s to 100 to assure we each had 100 pieces! A BIG thank you to everyone who sent a snack to share!

Well, that's a wrap for my sixth 100th day as a teacher! This group of first graders made it super fun due to their excitement and hard work! I was very impressed and proud of them! We are officially 100 days smarter in first grade! :)

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