Sunday, November 1, 2015

October Activities...It's a Wrap! :)

This week we finished up all things October...pumpkins, bats, and of course, Halloween! :) First, we teamed up with our amazing art teacher, Kara Dickel, to write facts about bats and then use paints to make an adorable bat-themed picture!

In addition, students worked hard to complete book reports during guided reading time. We taught students basic story elements: characters, setting, beginning, middle, and end. Students got the opportunity to write about these elements on "candy pieces" and then put their candy pieces in a bag that they decorated with their own illustration of the book!

Students also completed their character trait "inside/outside" descriptions. We read a few different books with strong characters to give students a chance to use a variety of words. The students pictured below did amazing work on their character traits!

Next, students had a great time writing adjectives about pumpkins and then writing a descriptive paper about them! We are working hard on using first, next, then, and last as transition words to give our writing a nice flow.

 Touching the pumpkin to help think of describing words!

Finally, many students participated in our Halloween party activities. A special thanks to Henry's mom, Brooke, for providing healthy snacks for the students to enjoy at the party! Also, thanks to my mom, Nancy, for volunteering all day and bringing some fun games to play with the first graders.

Next week we will begin our 3-week series of Thanksgiving-themed activities. We will be focusing on the Common Core standard of asking questions about stories in order to clarify meaning and make connections to the text! Happy November!

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