Monday, October 26, 2015

Character Traits and Venn Diagrams!

Last week we finished up learning about bats and spiders. Students wrote characteristics of Stellaluna (read previous post to learn about this character). Her traits on the "inside" consist of words and feelings such as: brave, worried, lonely, happy, and friendly. The "outside" descriptive words tell things about Stellaluna that we can see with our eyes: triangle ears, soft fur, two wings, and fuzzy.

Students also did a great job learning how to compare and contrast two different animals. We read books about bats, birds, and spiders and compared them to one another. The students below are pictured with their Venn Diagrams. Finally on Friday students were tested on their ability to compare two different animals and then they were able to enjoy my little birthday treat after working hard! :) Stay tuned for upcoming posts this week about our adventures with pumpkins and Halloween!

No sweet treats this least the kids enjoyed the pumpkin faces! :)

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