Sunday, October 4, 2015


In my last post, I talked about launching our first theme on apples with a trip to the orchard. Following the field trip, we have been extremely busy learning key details and facts from non-fiction stories on apples. Students have been very engaged in all of the activities and were super excited to write a "How To" paper on making and tasting applesauce! If anyone reading this is interested, many of the activities I found on Pinterest and/or several different teacher blogs, such as The First Grade Parade.

We used our five senses to describe apples!

Students voted on their favorite was the winner!

Each student got an apple to write a fact they learned and place on the tree.

Students can write these apple vocabulary words during center time.

Each student made and labeled their own apple diagram.

Graphing our favorite apples.

What a great job she did on her graph!

Students wrote describing words about apples.

Our "How To Make Applesauce" writing.

Yummy applesauce cooking!

Stay tuned for more on apples this week before we switch over to spiders! :)

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