Friday, October 9, 2015

Johnny Appleseed and Adjectives

Happy Friday! Today concluded our unit on apples and Johnny Appleseed. This week students read two books about Johnny Appleseed and then created their own factual books about John Chapman. This afternoon students used their math and science skills to be apple investigators. They made many predictions about the height and weight of their apple including how many cubes it would take to balance their apple on a scale. They had SO much fun doing these experiments...and even got to enjoy a healthy snack after completing their hard work as investigators!

Each student created a big Johnny Appleseed to publish their books on!

Students also wrote a fact they learned about Johnny Appleseed on a pot since he "wore a pot on his head". :)

Will it sink or float?! 

Measuring the circumference of our apples!

Measuring how many cubes it takes to balance the apple on the scale,

His apple is 3 cubes tall!

During our language arts time students have been learning about adjectives. Today we wrote sentences using describing words about our class teddy bear. The first graders came up with some great descriptive words!

Next week we will start a mini-unit on bats! Students will compare bats to birds and spiders! Eek!! :) Have a great weekend! My baby girl turned 6 months today so I will spend my weekend enjoying her giggles and silliness! Oh,..and GO HAWKS!

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